Rosemary Timperley

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Rosemary Timperley wrote a total of sixty-six novels between 1956 and 1989. Most of them appeared in hardbound editions and were published by Robert Hale, a London-based publishing house. Timperley's novels are notably varied in theme and content. Examples of her wide thematic range include Inside (1988), a psychological drama set in a prison, The Man With the Beard (1977), a clever mystery story, People Without Shadows (1966), a socio-political drama set in Greece, The Velvet Smile (1961), a story about the making of a television play and The Summer Visitors (1971), a bittersweet tale with a romantic slant. Timperley certainly excelled at drawing interesting and believable characters and her novels exhibit astute observations on human relationships. The characters in her novels are usually ordinary people caught up in difficult, often bizarre situations. In keeping her characters down-to-earth, Timperley afforded her tales with a poignancy and depth that keeps the reader interested. It has also been noted that there is a certain "ghostliness" to her novels, an aspect that echoes much of her short-story work. Timperley had a gift for conveying strange and unreal situations and her novels display a powerfully imaginative talent at work. There is also a remarkable consistency of quality to her writing. Her novels are perhaps best judged as a whole body of work rather than on an individual basis, as it is true that if you like one of her novels, you'll probably enjoy them all.

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A Dread of Burning
Published by James Barrie, 1956
Note: This novel was made into a stage play by Ted Willis under the title The Eyes of Youth.
"Miss Timperley balances a robust understanding of the world of class and staff rooms against her sensitive presentation of visions and nightmares, and her writing remains on a high level throughout." The Times
"Miss Timperley is an acquisition. She seems to know instinctively how children think, talk and behave." Eric Gillett, Daily Telegraph

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Web of Scandal
Published by James Barrie, 1957

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The Fairy Doll
Published by Robert Hale, 1959
"The eternal triangle is the theme of many romantic novels, but Rosemary Timperley brings a warmth of understanding to the pattern. A brilliant novel of human emotions which will touch every woman's heart." Manchester Evening News
"Rosemary Timperley shows keen imagination in her portrayal of a spinster in love with her sister's husband." London Evening News
"A moving and sensitive novel." Sheffield Star
"Is it better to be contented with one's lot, wherever it is cast, or to be continually reaching out for the unattainable? The characters, and the tangle in which their conflicting desires lead them are shrewdly observed in this very human and understanding story." Kentish Observer

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Dreamers in the Dark
Published by Robert Hale, 1960
"Miss Timperley is clearly in the front rank of observers of human failings and her characters are drawn with a sure and deft touch. This is a novel which explores a contemporary dilemma in depth and with understanding." Bristol Evening News
"Excellently observed and written." Yorkshire Evening News

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Shadow of a Woman
Published by Robert Hale, 1960
"Every bit as good an English irregular triangle as the French kind" (in Françoise Sagan's Aimez-Vous Brahms.) London Evening News
"Shadow of a Woman firmly establishes her as a novelist of distinction. The plot is original and the dénouement unexpected." John O'London's

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The Velvet Smile
Published by Robert Hale, 1961
Note: This novel was broadcast as a serial on the BBC Radio program Woman's Hour.
"Miss Timperley is a fluent and accomplished novelist whose accurate observation and profound understanding of anaesthetized surburban humanity gives her tale unusual depth and signifigance." Oxford Mail

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Yesterday's Voices
Published by Robert Hale, 1961
"The story of Shelley Vaughan, child actress, and daughter of divorced parents; touchingly told." John O'London's

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Twilight Bar
Published by Robert Hale, 1962

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Across a Crowded Room
Published by Robert Hale, 1962
"Jed Bishop, respectably married, dedicated to his charity work, suddenly and disastrously falls in love; told with feeling and spirit." John O'London's

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Let Me Go
Published by Robert Hale, 1963
"An intelligent novel. Miss Timperley has the ability to give her characters natural life." Sphere

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The Bitter Friendship
Published by Robert Hale, 1963

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The Veiled Heart
Published by John Gresham, 1964

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Broken Circle
Published by John Gresham, 1964

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The Suffering Tree
Published by Robert Hale, 1965

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Devils' Paradise
Published by Robert Hale, 1965
"Two fled from the law to Morocco, a man and a woman. A love-hate affair against a colourful background of Moslem ceremonies - an immensely readable story." Evening News

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The Haunted Garden
Published by Robert Hale, 1966

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They Met in Moscow
Published by Robert Hale, 1966

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People Without Shadows
Published by Geoffrey Bles, 1966
Note: This novel was published under Timperley's married name Rosemary Cameron.

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Blind Alley
Published by Robert Hale, 1967

Forgive Me
Published by Robert Hale, 1967

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My Room in Rome
Published by Robert Hale, 1968

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The Washers-Up
Published by Robert Hale, 1968

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Lights on the Hill
Published by Robert Hale, 1968

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The Cat-Walk
Published by Robert Hale, 1969
"This is no bedtime story for the squeamish." South London Advertiser

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The Tragedy Business
Published by Robert Hale, 1969
"Clearly written by somebody who has inside knowledge. Story of a waitress in a doctors' bar and dining-room of a medical centre. A human panorama compressed into a delicate, touching minature." Evening News

Doctor Z
Published by Robert Hale, 1970
"Doctors invariably provide good background copy for a novel, and this is no exception. The result is different, for which, with doctors as heroes in so many novels, one is grateful." Manchester Evening News
"Well-written story of human relationships told in turn by a doctor, his unfaithful wife, two of his women patients, and a young student nurse." Scarborough Evening News

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The Mask Shop
Published by Robert Hale, 1970
Note: This novel was published as a serial in The Australian Women's Weekly in February 1971.

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Rome With Mrs. Evening
Published by Robert Hale, 1970

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House of Secrets
Published by Robert Hale, 1971
Note: This novel is a sequel to Timperley's earlier book The Tragedy Business (1969).

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The Summer Visitors
Published by Robert Hale, 1971

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Walk to San Michele
Published by Robert Hale, 1971

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The Long Black Dress
Published by Robert Hale, 1972
"Rosemary Timperley always tells a good tale and this is no exception, with a surprising twist to the ending." Durham County Advertiser

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The Passionate Marriage
Published by Robert Hale, 1972

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The Echo-Game
Published by Robert Hale, 1973

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Journey With Doctor Godley
Published by Robert Hale, 1973
Note: This novel features the character Anna Lake, who previously appeared in The Tragedy Business (1969) and House of Secrets (1971).
"Romance with mystery tie-up." Books and Bookman
"The world that is Moscow comes to vibrant life through Miss Timperley's skill and craftsmanship." Durham Advertiser

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Shadows in the Park
Published by Robert Hale, 1973

Published by Robert Hale, 1974

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The White Zig-Zag Path
Published by Robert Hale, 1974

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Ali and Little Camel
Published by Robert Hale, 1975

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The Private Prisoners
Published by Robert Hale, 1975

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The Egyptian Woman
Published by Robert Hale, 1976

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The Stranger
Published by Robert Hale, 1976

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The Devil of the Lake
Published by Robert Hale, 1977

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The Phantom Husband
Published by Robert Hale, 1977

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The Man With the Beard
Published by Robert Hale, 1977

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The Nameless One
Published by Robert Hale, 1978

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Syrilla Black
Published by Robert Hale, 1978

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Published by Robert Hale, 1978
Note: This novel features the character Anna Lake, who previously appeared in The Tragedy Business (1969), House of Secrets (1971) and Journey With Doctor Godley (1973).

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Justin and the Witch
Published by Robert Hale, 1979

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The Secretary
Published by Robert Hale, 1979

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Homeward Bound
Published by Robert Hale, 1980

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The House of Mad Children
Published by Robert Hale, 1980

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Miss X
Published by Robert Hale, 1980

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The Spell of the Hanged Man
Published by Robert Hale, 1981

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The Secret Dancer
Published by Robert Hale, 1981

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That Year at the Office
Published by Robert Hale, 1981

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The Face in the Leaves
Published by Robert Hale, 1982
"A good tale of mystery and imagination." Sheffield Star

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Night Talk
Published by Robert Hale, 1982
"A tale which twists and turns and which becomes more and more compulsive." Birmingham Hospitals Broadcasting Network

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Chidori's Room
Published by Robert Hale, 1983

The Office Party - and After
Published by Robert Hale, 1984

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Love and Death
Published by Robert Hale, 1985

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Tunnel of Shadows
Published by Robert Hale, 1986

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The Wife's Tale
Published by Robert Hale, 1986

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After School Hours
Published by Robert Hale, 1987

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Published by Robert Hale, 1988

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Shadow on the Roof
Published by Robert Hale, 1989

Note: The novels The Washers-Up (1968), The Tragedy Business (1969) and Doctor Z (1970) were collected together in one volume as A Trilogy (1976). These three novels share a medical theme and setting.



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